Meet the Team 

Meet Dayna Parker, an Intuitive Life Coaching and Founder of Inner World Movement Coaching. With a Pisces sun and moon illuminated by a Libra rising, Dayna brings a harmonious blend of empathy, balance, and intuitive wisdom to her coaching. She’s not just a peaceful warrior but also a leader who excels in bridging practical applications with spiritual insights.

Dayna’s journey as a forever student of Gene Keys and Human Design systems is a testament to her commitment to deep, transformational work. Her coaching is most fulfilling when it enables clients to find compassion for their experiences in life and business—a true manifestation of her Pisces empathy and direct, Mercury-ruled communication.

Having invested over $150,000 in personal growth and professional certifications, Dayna's lifelong dedication to learning various healing modalities helps her guide clients towards mental and emotional wellness. Her approach is all about authentic connection—helping others to tap into their most genuine selves and to embrace their intuitive potential.

With over a decade of experience and thousands of clients around the globe, Dayna’s methods focus on recognizing personal blocks, rewriting relationships with power and choice, and promoting bold, brave changes in life. Whether discussing dreams and goals or exploring personal and spiritual development, Dayna's endless enthusiasm and practical wisdom make her an invaluable member of our team. Join her for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and let her help you harness your inner strength in the most authentic and transformative ways possible.

Meet April Steed Millar is an effervescent force in our Divine Design Prosperity Community, infusing every interaction with an enthusiastic zest for life that's as refreshing as her famed chocolate chip cookies. April's practical Taurus spirit shines through in her approach to spiritual development, grounding lofty ideas in everyday life. Whether she's delving into astrology, sharing tarot card insights, or coaching on abundance, April ensures quality resonates in every aspect—from conversations to relationships.

Her soul’s mission is simple yet profound: to make everyone she meets feel magical and special. This mission permeates her personal and professional life, ensuring that quality isn't just a standard but a cornerstone.

Outside of her roles as a mentor and entrepreneur, April cherishes life in Idaho with her supportive husband and five wonderful children, reveling in the joys and challenges of motherhood. She's a spirited conversationalist who loves talking money and has dedicated years to transforming her relationship with financial abundance.

Always ready with a witty quip or insightful advice, April brings passion and a touch of magic to everything she does, making her an invaluable member of our community. Whether it's a business dealing or a casual chat, expect a top-tier experience that only April can provide.

Together Dayna, April and Christina run Divine Design Prosperity Group Coaching Program

Meet Christina Jenkins is a nurturing entrepreneur and compassionate mentor whose greatest joy comes from fostering growth and self-realization among her clients. With the sensitivity of a Cancer sun, the intuitive depth of a Scorpio moon, and the practicality of a Taurus rising, she excels in her role as a prosperity guide in our Divine Design Prosperity Community.

As a seasoned Biz & Branding coach, Reiki Master, and international speaker, Christina's approach is holistic and grounded, tailored to encourage self-expression and personal success in business. Whether guiding a startup or empowering an individual within a corporate setting, she believes deeply in the potential of every person she works with.

Her philosophy is that everyone possesses inherent gifts; as a Cancer, she nurtures these talents with a mother's care, as a Scorpio, she connects deeply to the emotional and transformative aspects of her work, and as a Taurus, she provides a solid, practical framework for her clients and students to thrive.

Beyond her professional life, Christina is a lifelong learner with a rich personal life shared with her four children and beloved pets. Warm, friendly, and insightful, she uses her astrological insights to enrich her conversations and business strategies, ensuring a supportive and prosperous environment for all.

Together Dayna, April and Christina run Divine Design Prosperity Group Coaching Program

Meet Aleena Hill

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“Knowledge is power” is a common quote. BUT knowledge is NOT power. It's only potential power. It only becomes power when we apply it and use it. Lets chat and get you doing things differently!